Friends are you understand that what is it? Friends it’s a amazing women shaped furniture. This stylish chair is called Fiberglass Women Chair, it's near about 10,500$. The shaped of the chair is completely unusual shape, its look like a cool weird furniture. The shaped of the chair is very funny, Friends what you think about that amazing furniture?
Friday, December 31, 2010
Cool Weird Furniture
Labels: Funny Furniture, Unusual Shaped Furniture, Weird Furniture
Posted by dewa adsense at 7:28 AM 0 comments
Happy New Year
Happy New Year and May all your dreams come true!antique bar tray from Pottery BarnBe sure to meet back here on Monday for a fabulous giveaway from Pottery Barn. You won't want to miss it, believe me!2010 In Review ~ Best of Blogs of 2010Top 10 of 2010 Blog Posts on Bright Bold and Beautifuland more Best of 2010 posts... See you next year!More ways to follow BB&Bshop * facebook * twitter *
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Posted by dewa adsense at 5:30 AM 0 comments
Design Ideas - Special Fireplace
I ran across this sculpture installation that really caught my eye. A really simple fireplace wall composition with one spectacular piece of art. The glass wheat sculpture is designed by Canlis Glass out of Seattle, Washington. Check it out.
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Simple composition of the fireplace wall. A contemporary fire box and open display niche sit side by side. Wheat sculpture centered above. |
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Lighting is important here as it really emphasizes the overall texture of the glass. |
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The stems of glass are set into the base of the sculpture; which in this case also serves as the fireplace mantel. |
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I don't want to know how much this costs. |
Labels: simple house plans, unique fireplace design, unique house plans
Posted by dewa adsense at 5:23 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Without A Hitch
My 'unofficial' school reunion went as planned.It was a small group of us, just about 35 or 40.The Island gang.Me - 2nd. from the leftThis is only a small portion.It was a lovely event held in the most appropriate place imaginable for this gifted group.Most of the gang learned to sail right here at the above yacht club.This is where the party was.It was at night, and it was beautiful.You could
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Posted by dewa adsense at 10:07 PM 0 comments
A Personal Message and Inspiration for 2011
Have you ever felt like you belonged on the "island of misfit toys"? Well, I have... I was at dinner last night with two great friends, and they were telling me about the high-school reunion that I recently missed. The truth is, I actually went to one school from 1st-9th, another for 10th and 11th, and we moved to a different city for my Senior year, thus a third school. So, which school class
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Posted by dewa adsense at 1:46 PM 0 comments
Amazing Mountain Chair – Weird Furniture
Do you know about weird furniture? We can say that, weird furnitures are most probably unusual shaped furniture, some weird furnitures are really amazing and unusual shaped furniture. Here, we share Weird Mountain Chair, which most creative and stylish furniture. Do you like to use this amazing chair in your home? The design of this weird chair is inspired by great mountains. It's very comfortable chair, so feel free to rest on it.
Labels: Amazing Furniture, Mountain Chair, Weird Furniture
Posted by dewa adsense at 6:20 AM 0 comments
Watercolors by Laura Trevey 50% off Sale - 2 days left
Help me reach my goal of 1000 sales by the end of the year... What's in it for you? Well, a lot!You receive 50% off every item or items in my Etsy shop until December 31st. {Last sale until July 2011}. Below are some examples of original paintings and prints. These make wonderful Valentines Day, Birthday, and any time gifts... Everything from custom home paintings to sweet note cards for just
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Posted by dewa adsense at 5:21 AM 0 comments
Un Paseo Hogar Moderno Ecléctico
¿A quién no le gusta viajar de una casa fresca? Echa un vistazo a estas imágenes fabulosas de una hermosa casa ecléctica en Londres fotografiado por la agencia de primera opción. Aparte de la tarea hermosa que hizo fotografiar este espacio agradable, es bastante claro que este no es su hogar típico cortador de galletas! La familia ha personalizar cada espacio con un ambiente diferente y el concepto del color de su propio. Siga con nosotros mientras caminamos a través de ...
Este plan de espacio abierto que combina cocina, sala y comedor espacio mantiene todas estas áreas separadas pero que estén situados a la perfección. Es importante respetar todas las funciones en un espacio grande y abierto por lo que es y deje que se hacen de la propia declaración.
La luz superior contador gris y gabinetes sutilmente introducir importancia al espacio dejando tu ojo te llevará a través de todo el espacio a un ritmo agradable.
Además, al colgar un espejo antiguo enorme en la pared del fondo, crearon un centro de coordinación en un rincón desnudo para inesperado encanto y el color que refleja la pared con un acento que los lazos de la sala de juntas muy bien.
This exciting dining space is rich with pops of vibrant color and and an unusual chandelier resembling ceiling strung light bulbs. Definitely a conversation starter, which is a nice element in a dining space!
The white walls serve the wonderful purpose of allowing the objects displayed to do the story-telling. Things collected from travels and sparingly planted around the house will add charm to your home and invite trips down memory lane…
Este color azul pizarra acento hace maravillas para la pared de la chimenea, que es naturalmente un centro de coordinación y armonía en coordinación con los acentos más gris y rojo en la habitación.
La acumulación de nichos en la pared agregar la dimensión a la arquitectura y la pintura blanca que, poco a poco se rompe el ojo de la pared de acento y te lleva de vuelta al color de la pared por defecto.
Este moderno cuarto de baño tenía mucho carácter, porque los accesorios de color rojo emergente contra la oscuridad del azulejo sofisticados gris y un tono festoneado romano más tradicional añade un bonito contraste a este espacio de otra manera lineal.
Una vez más, las flores frescas que cualquier espacio cobran vida!
Aunque se trata claramente de habitación de una niña, la impresión Jacquard fondos de escritorio de color de rosa hace que sea de transición para un más maduro pero mira divertido cuando ella está lista para la siguiente fase de su vida.
El papel pintado es una gran manera de calentar y vestir a una pequeña habitación de invitados de base.
Este cabecero dormitorio principal es sustancial y equilibrado por los rincones a cada lado de la cama, que son adiciones a la decoración hecha a la medida en mesillas de noche! Tan inteligente ...
Labels: Un Paseo Hogar Moderno Ecléctico
Posted by dewa adsense at 5:13 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Luxury Aquatic Bathroom Tile
Labels: Bathroom Tile
Posted by dewa adsense at 6:21 PM 0 comments
Luxury Bathroom Ideas in Minimum Space
Labels: Bathroom Ideas
Posted by dewa adsense at 6:18 PM 0 comments
Bedroom Shelving Books Plus, The Dream Book Lice
Labels: Bedroom Shelving Books
Posted by dewa adsense at 6:13 PM 0 comments
Bright Ideas: Creative Work Spaces and Organizing Tips
With the coming of a New Year, I am always inspired to clear out the clutter, and organize! Just remember this tip: There is a place for everything. Create your own work space filled with character and imagination, the sky is the limit...What are your organizing tips?Hey ~ I have this same IKEA trestle desk in my art studio! I love the cups full of pens and pencils...Organizing Tips : Home
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Posted by dewa adsense at 7:47 AM 0 comments
I could stay in bed....
But I must suit up and show up at work....This is exactly the kind of bed suits my mood today.Bethany::She actually looks like this,and dresses like this.But she stands upright at all or meeting.....promiseMy dear sweet client whom we shall call Bethanyis anxiously waiting the installation of her NEW home.Which will take place part of this week and most of next.We are all excited.It is going to
Read More...Labels: Bergamo - Rubelli Fabrics - My Work, exausted, old friends, Whole House Installations
Posted by dewa adsense at 6:22 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Baby Bedrooms
For you all,if you will have a child and confuse to find bedroom for your child. I give you some idea about it and I show to you many kinds of Baby Bedrooms. Let's check it...
Posted by dewa adsense at 10:11 PM 0 comments