Thursday, June 30, 2011

Contemporary Sofa Design

Contemporary Sofa Design
Contemporary Sofa Design

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

This Modern Sofa Is All About

This modern sofa is all about
This modern sofa is all about

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Classic Sofas

Classic Sofas
Classic Sofas

Monday, June 27, 2011

Rattan Sofa

Rattan Sofa
Rattan Sofa

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lookout For Sofa Beds And

lookout for sofa beds and
lookout for sofa beds and

Impractical Sofas

Impractical Sofas
Impractical Sofas

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sofa, Couch, Chesterfield

Sofa, Couch, Chesterfield
Sofa, Couch, Chesterfield

Amazing Table Lamps

If you dream of redecorating your interior or are simply interested in unusual interior design ideas, you are welcome. Below is the list of the most creative and extravagant lamp designs you have ever seen.

Unusual Table Lamps With White Color

The bot­tles are col­lected from cafes and house­holds in Not­ting­ham and then they are cleaned and sand­blasted. Then with some clever cut­ting they are trans­formed into dec­o­ra­tive shapes, totally unrecog­nis­able from their orig­i­nal state.

Abyss table lamp. This odd lamp is design by Kundalini studio. It is common knowledge that designers often get inspired by ordinary things but could you imagine that someone gain inspiration from a intestinal tract? The advantage of the lamp is that it can twist and turn forming variety of shapes, thanks to its flexible segmented construction. LED lighting provides clean and bright light.

Feminine Amazing Table Lamps

Girls Table Lamps. These beautiful girls table lamps by Italamp are a fashion lamps designs. The girls table lamps inspired by the hat and women's clothing. The girls table lamps romantic-style with strikling design that featuring a hat-shaped shade, woven with a hint of sparkle. If you love the whole fashion-inspired theme, try this girls table lamps. The girls table lamps available with three different height and many color choices, like purple, blue, black, brown, green, silver, and whatever you're looking for, they've got your color. We hope for placing these girls table lamps on your bedside table or in your dressing area.

Every element should fit to the main interior idea and if you have chosen modern style then all accessories must be in that style. The table lamp PizzaKobra by Ron Arad might become one of them. This lamp has an awesome design which surprises by its flexibility and creativity. This modern table lamp is made of steel and aluminium, finished with chrome and equipped with 6 white LED lights. It could become an amazing functional table decoration of any modern interior design.

Beautiful Colorful Mood Lamp Design LUNE Color Changing LED Mood Lamp From Cielux

Plastics looks cool as light fixture due to amazing light effects it creates (we've already seen how plastic cups can be turned into beautiful chandeliers). The only thing to be aware of is that the heat the light produces may burn out the plastic so you'd better use LED lights. But for sure, this always looks cool!

Creative Amazing Table Lamps

Little Garden

Even in the event you posses a little lawn, you are able to nonetheless have an appealing backyard. Room ought to not be a limiting element when preparing and designing your backyard. Listed below are some little garden ideas that you'll discover very helpful. Little garden has no size limit. In fact, a clay pot had been able to meet its demand. The first thing to do is find a location. If the desired garden wants to be just in form of a pond with a little bit green plants. You can build it anywhere. The remaining part on the corner of the garden is also allowed.

Amazing Little Garden With Stone Decor

Green Little Garden With Many Plants Various

Elegant Little Garden Design

Beautiful Miniature Little Garden

Little Garden Inside Your Home

This garden is a perfect blueprint for anyone seeking a primordial get away in a tiny back yard. Ideas and planting are simple but effective and wholly integrated.

Beautiful Little Garden With Colorful Flowers

The beauty of this glorious little garden is that it’s steeped in green. It is true that there are more different shades of green that any other color in the spectrum. No wonder Nature in her wisdom chose to clothe her most plentiful living things in this hue.

Beautiful Bookshelf

Beautiful Green Bookshelf With Plants Design

Beautiful Spider Bookshelf

Unusual Bookshelf Looks Beautiful

Asymmetric Beautiful Bookshelf

Unique Beautiful Bookshelf

Beautiful Bookshelf By Joel Escalona

Beautiful Gray Bookshelf

Simple Beautiful Bookshelf From Glasses

Beautiful Bookshelf With Chinese Design

Beautiful Large Bookshelf From Wooden

Friday, June 24, 2011

Modern Sofa Bed By Signet

Modern Sofa Bed by Signet
Modern Sofa Bed by Signet

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Delightful Form of Public Art: Aerial Sculptures by Janet Echelman

Janet Echelman is an artist currently working and living in Brookline, Massachusetts, United States. Her public art works left us speechless, which is why we decided to showcase them on Freshome. First off, here is a small description from the official website: “Janet Echelman builds living, breathing sculpture environments that respond to the forces of nature — wind, water and light— and become inviting focal points for civic life. Exploring the potential of unlikely materials, from fishing net to atomized water particles, Echelman combines ancient craft with cutting-edge technology to create her permanent sculpture at the scale of buildings. Experiential in nature, the result is sculpture that shifts from being an object you look at, to something you can get lost in“. Having traveled significantly, the idea to use fishing nets in her installations was inspired by her experience in India, where she learned tricks from local fisherman. Since then, she was commissioned to create fabulous displays of public art in Portugal, Phoenix, British Columbia, Madrid.

Orange Cinemas by Robert Majkut architects

On request of Orange Sky Golden Harvest Entertainment Group – a legendary Asian cinema company - Robert Majkut created the project of Orange Cinemas in Beijing. Official opening of the cinema will take place on 28th March 2011.
Golden Harvest, being the power of Asian film industry, produced more than 600 films, and promoted two legends of action movies - Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan.
Leading Asian cinema operator, Golden Harvest, is the owner of cinema chain of 28 multiplexes and 223 auditoriums. Over last few years Golden Harvest expanded its activities into Chinese and Taiwanese market, being the greatest cinema operator in Taiwan and Singapore.

Robert Majkut was invited to create the project for Orange Cinemas in Pacific Department Store in Beijing. Investors decided to choose Robert Majkut on the basis of his previous projects, especially Multikino Golden Terraces in Warsaw.
The process of creating such places is a great challenge. It is a creation of a total concept, which need to fulfil many requirements of future receivers, and encompass all aspects of the image and way of acting.
We created probably the most exclusive cinema in China.
Our project included some key elements like colour, form, kind of 'energy' shaped by the atmosphere, and multimedia solutions which were extremely important issue.
Black symbolises the murk from which the light appears - the essence of the cinema and its magic. Orange is a colour of a sunset, a symbol of an evening time for pleasant leisure and social meetings. Pink is the colour of fun and carefree happiness. These three colours and their meaning constitute the basis of this place.
Next element - form - is being realized in two ways. Through the shape of the sign between the rectangular screen and the shape of traditional Chinese lantern. It is a symbol of light and setting, held in one meaning, forming the magic of the cinema.
The second idea of form is smoothness of lines referring to the human body movements and traditional film tape which moves softly in the projector.
Multimedia are the third equally important element. Huge screens shape the pace and atmosphere of the interior. Films which are displayed in the cinema emphasize the smoothness and illusionary character of the cinema world.
All these elements create spectacular, and modern interior. Dark and black walls, colourful furniture, atmosphere of a living scenes, modern forms, softness of shapes... Our task was to create the most unique place in Beijing. I hope that we succeeded.

Project Description
Orange Cinemas interiors consist of Piano Bar zone, private VIP-rooms, Cigar Club, and three luxurious cameral auditoriums: Black Room, Orange Garden and Pink Sky. Lobby is a unique cameral club space with the collection of the latest works of art.
Robert Majkut, with his great experience, has created unique cinema interiors for many years. Also this project has a unique character. The designer tells a story about moving, turning forms, movement, sun, impressions, and illusion of the cinema. All these elements are expressed by colours, textures, and light. The space is created thanks to variable light of big screens, sounds from Piano Bar, and the intense play of colours.
Logo, inspired by manually painted Chinese symbols, was the basis for design of Orange Cinemas interior. The shape of the bar, carpeting patterns, shapes of door and table holders, openwork curtains, quilts, and wall patterns are the transformation of the sign form.
Smooth surfaces are the continuous game of escaping and overlapping colourful spots - starting with orange, through pink and dark chocolate hues, to dominating black. Big contrasts are on the one hand a background for multimedia performances, but on the other hand they are a perfect place for intimate meetings in the middle of the film scenes.
All furnishing elements - sofas, tables, bar stools and lighting - were individually designed by Robert Majkut. All is kept in consequent black, orange and pink colouring.
Material used in the concept are shiny stone, mahogany veneer, silk wallpapers, wool carpeting, leather, felt, and polished steel.
Total surface of the cinema constitutes 1000 sq meters. 3 auditoriums, of 30 seats each, are adjusted for 200 guests.

Modern Lux Bed

modern lux bed
modern lux bed

Moving Platforms by Priestmangoode

Industrial designers Priestmangoode have revealed a concept for high-speed trains that would transfer passengers to local services while still moving, instead of stopping at stations.
By avoiding time-consuming stops, the Moving Platforms concept would allow faster long-distance journey times.
Trams and local trains would dock alongside the high-speed trains while still in motion, allowing passengers to walk between the two services.
As part of a fully integrated network, passengers would be able to journey from a local stop to any international destination without disembarking.

The following details are from Priestmangoode:

Britain’s leading transport designer unveils the future for 21st Century train travel
Britain’s leading transport designer has unveiled his idea for the future of train travel. Moving Platforms is a completely inter-connected rail infrastructure where local trams connect to a network of non-stop high speed trains enabling passengers to travel from their local stop to a local address at their destination (even in another country) without getting off a train.
Paul Priestman of Priestmangoode is the designer of the Virgin Pendolino train and last year’s hugely successful Mercury high speed concept train. Moving Platforms is a totally joined-up network that allows passengers to transfer directly from one moving tram or high speed train to another. This new integrated infrastructure mimics the way the internet works, creating a system similar to the one that allows your home PC to connect to a computer on the other side of the world via a series of connected networks.
Moving Platforms involves a network of high speed trains that run non-stop between two ends of a continent, New York to San Francisco for instance. The high speed trains run on a line that passes outside towns and cities with a network of local feeder trams that carry passengers from local stops out to meet them. As they near each other, the high speed train slows down slightly and the tram speeds up alongside it, at which point the trains physically connect via a docking system allowing passengers to transfer directly across from the tram to the high speed train and vice versa. Once transfers are complete, the trains separate, with the high speed train speeding up again along its route, and the tram slowing down and going back into the town or city centre with the newly disembarked passengers. The tram, in effect, acts as a moving station. The same system could also be used by passengers transferring from one high speed train to another.
This idea is not as crazy as it sounds. There are plenty of examples in every day life where we step onto a moving vehicle: escalators, moving walkways, paternoster lifts, ski lifts and Ferris wheels like the London Eye.
We are trying to build a new 21st Century train service on a station-based infrastructure that was designed in the 19th century for steam trains. We should be re-thinking infrastructure and building an inter-connected local-to-global rail network.
Current plans for high speed rail will require a new network of major stations, taking up huge amounts of space and with a cost and environmental impact that is potentially vast. These stations function for the most part as large car parks that are packed during working hours and empty the rest of the time, and are only in use by passengers for short periods of the day.
The big problem with high speed trains is that they are not very fast. Slowing down and speeding up as they move between stations means they are only able to travel at their full speed for limited periods of time (wasting vast amounts of energy in the process). On long journeys, the non stop high speed train could save a vast proportion of any journey time.
We lose huge amounts of time in transit waiting at stations as we change trains. Moving Platforms would enable passengers to travel from their local stop to an address of their choice in another town or country without getting off a train.
Many rail passengers use cars to get to their main-line embarkation station, so being able to link up to the high speed train directly from a local tram or train service means we could reduce car usage in towns and cities.
Track infrastructure is already in place in many areas. On each train line, there are two tracks, one high speed and one local, next to one another. This means that potentially, Moving Platforms would not take up any more land.
Existing local stations would serve the feeder trams, enabling passengers from rural areas to access the high speed line easily.
Moving Platforms could also be used for local deliveries and freight. This will help get trucks off the road and ease congestion on motorways and in towns and cities.
A journey planner App would tell you what local tram or train to get on in Boston to go to a local address in San Francisco for instance, making travel simpler and easier.
“I can’t believe that across the world we are spending billions on high speed rail making it run on a network that was invented in the 19th Century. I’m under no illusion that Moving Platforms is a big idea, but if we really want high speed rail to be successful and change the way we travel, getting people off the roads and reducing the number of short haul flights, it is imperative that the infrastructure we use works with, not against, this new technology to enable a seamless passenger journey from start to destination. The days of the super-hub train station are over, connectivity is the way forward,” says Paul Priestman.